


This is the main entry point for the PAE encoding/decoding API.

python_pae.pae_encode(lst: List[bytes], size_t: python_pae.number.PAENumberType = <uint64 (ULLONG)>) bytes

Encode a list of byte strings in PAE.


By default, this function produces output that is compatible with PASETO PAE.

  • lst – A list of byte strings.

  • size_t – Numeric type to use for the list’s size and its members’ length prefixes.


The PAE-encoded list as a byte string.

python_pae.pae_encode_multiple(value_type_pairs, size_t: python_pae.number.PAENumberType = <uint64 (ULLONG)>) bytes

Encode a list of multiple typed values in PAE.

  • value_type_pairs – A list of tuples of the form (v, t), where v is a value, and t is a PAEType implementation for that value type.

  • size_t – Numeric type to use for the list’s size and its members’ length prefixes.


The PAE-encoded list as a byte string.

python_pae.marshal(value: python_pae.encode.T, pae_type: python_pae.abstract.PAEType[python_pae.encode.T]) bytes

Serialise a value into bytes.

  • value – The value to be processed.

  • pae_type – The PAEType that provides the serialisation logic.


A byte string representing the value passed in.

python_pae.unmarshal(packed: bytes, pae_type: python_pae.abstract.PAEType[python_pae.encode.T]) python_pae.encode.T

Decode a byte string back into a value. Inverse operation of marshal().

  • packed – The byte string to be processed.

  • pae_type – The PAEType that provides the deserialisation logic.


A decoded value.


python_pae.PAEDecodeError – if an error occurs in the decoding process.

class python_pae.PAEListSettings(size_type: python_pae.number.PAENumberType = <uint64 (ULLONG)>, length_type: Optional[python_pae.number.PAENumberType] = None, prefix_if_constant: bool = True)

Bases: object

List encoding settings. The defaults represent the PASETO version of PAE.

size_type: python_pae.number.PAENumberType = <uint64 (ULLONG)>

Numeric type to use for the list size.


The default is a 64-bit integer for compatibility with PASETO PAE.

length_type: Optional[python_pae.number.PAENumberType] = None

Numeric type to use for the length prefixes of the list items.


If unspecified, will be the same as size_type.

prefix_if_constant: bool = True

Flag toggling whether to apply the length prefix if the type being written or read is a fixed-width type. Defaults to True.

exception python_pae.PAEDecodeError

Bases: ValueError

Raised if an error occurs during PAE decoding.